How well do you know Dance Music?

Fill in all the gaps. Press "Check" to check your answers.

   1990s      20th      Big Beat      centuries      composed      computer      dancing      digital      DJs      drum      edit      layers      loops      machines      new      person      samples      studios      styles      Techno   
Music for has been around for .
In this topic we mean Dance of the late Century.
Typical styles have names like House, , Hip-Hop and .
Dance was influenced by technology like from the 1980s.
The was the main tool used by dance producers from the .
Dance music can be easily by one on a pc.
The technology used is based on sound recordings known as .
Once you have a sample then you can it into a completely sound.
The music is built up in using repeating and samples.
The composers of Dance music are called producers (working in ) and (working live on a set).